Sooooo for all the Trojans out there, you all know that today was the first game day of the season! BIG deal! Not only was this my first USC football game, but also my first football game ever! #ImArtsy #WhatAreSports? And guess what suckers!? WE WON. YEAHHHHH BABAY. #CantHelpThatImBetterThanYou
So not gonna lie, the game was a tad boring just because i had no idea what the hell was going on most of the time, buttttttt there was some delicious food to eat and we all know that food is the only reason to go to any sports event #Right? #SomoneBackMeUpHere
Olie, her roomate, and I spotted these people in the crowd with these giant shaved ice things and we were all SUPER jel because it was so hot out and we LOVE shaved ice. So we ventured out and finally found the Shaved Ice Stand! It was $7 (kinda expensivo) and they only take cash but there was an atm machine so all twas good Olie and I got the pineapple and cherry shaved ice (Also coincidently the colors of USC #Red #Gold #Well…Yellow, but. ) We brought them back to our seats and happily munched away at the sweetly flavored ice, watching the game, just enjoying life. But it was all too good to be true…suddenly, the ice began to melt. And melt. And melt. And it was beginning to overflow the shaved ice cup. With our quick thinking, we realized we only had two options: 1. Force feed ourself the shaved ice so that it wouldn’t spill everywhere or 2. throw it into the air and yell “FUCK ALLAYAL!!”
So we chose choice number one (we were feeling conservative), and forced ourselves to eat almost the entire shaved ice cup occasionally stopping to try to suppress the feeling of having to barf. It’s true what they say: Too much sweetness can give you a toothache. #JustMadeThatUp #MadeNoSense #KBye.
So i would suggest that if you do get the shaved ice, to take some of the ice off the top of the shaved ice so that it doesn’t spill over when it melts #INeedMyStomachPumped #DrunkOnShavedIce #ScarredForLife. Don’t get me wrong, the shaved ice was delicious… until it became a chore to down the entire thing in a matter of minutes before it could spill all over my jean shorts (which it did once and then, trying to clean them back at my dorm, i accidentally bleached them #StupidShavedIce #FuckYou)
Right after we dealt with the shaved ice ordeal, stronger than we were before (Because what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger duh ) we saw a group of guys walk to their seats with shaved ice. They had no idea what they had coming for them. Nope. Like ten minutes later, we saw the same worried look on their faces that we had had. They nervously slurped up their shaved ice contemplating when it was ever going to end, probably wanting to puke like we did. And speaking of puke, funny enough, some girl behind us who was beyond intoxicated (from alcohol not shaved ice lol) ended up throwing up right behind us! YAY. And her friend asked to use our shaved ice cup to cover up the vomit soooo there you have it.
Other than shaved ice (which was really good, but there was just too much), the stadium had cotton candy, kettle corn, glazed almonds, soft pretzels, and some sort of terriaki bowls which may or may not have been vegan we didnt check. Check out the yummy goodies. Also, our friend Austin was in the Presidential section so he was kind enough to get us free popcorn #Score #ThanksAustin! #FreeFooooodddd #yusss
Anyways, check out the USC football game for the food #Yep #ISaidIt #KBye
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