There are three words that every young person wants to hear, especially on days that we feel lonely or unloved. FREE. FOOD. HERE. Cream just opened down the street and was giving out free ice cream! Cream not only has delicious vegan ice cream (both mint chip and vanilla) BUT ALSO vegan cookies (chocolate with white chocolate chips, snicker doodle, and banana walnut). Cookies + ice cream= fat ass  Ice cream sandwiches!!! That’s what Cream is famous for. Guess what i’m famous for? Eating a lot, complaining a lot, and also being notoriously single, so whut whut Cream, you got nuthin on me! DSC00587The line was literally around the block and down the street (so we had to wait 45 mins but it was DEFF worth the wait. I also hope my future boyfriend is worth the wait because 19 years is a long time man. You better be close to perfect. I’m picturing Aragorn from  Lord of the Rings but with the chillness and singing skillz of Zac Efron and the style and James Dean look like Harry Styles….um… im not picky….)

In line doe, a couple of randos CUT in front of us! I was about to become one of those butthurt moms from the Vegan Street Fair and be like “BITCH the line starts all the way back there!” But i didn’t because i am not confident enough for dat shiz. AND THEN, the “cutters” had the nerve to let OTHER PEOPLE CUT! Isn’t that like illegal or something!?!?!?!?! In the end, we got ice cream before ALL of them so suck on that losers! #ImSOBitter DSC00589When we finally got there, a really cute boy was taking Olie’s order (always a plus) and the lady taking my order was like really confused about the vegan options (even though they were pretty obvious and labeled as such) but i think she was just flustered because of how busy it was. ANYWAYS, IT WAS DELICIOUS!!!!  And it will be the reason for the Freshman 15 i have been trying so hard to avoid. My roomate texted me and was like, “You’re going to have to physically restrain me so i don’t go every day”. And i texted back saying, “I’ll put you on a leash” and then “and then drag you with me to get more ice cream and cookies”. So there you have it iS, DELICIOUS!  DSC00590


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