Sticks and stones (bricks and scones) will break my bones but words will never hurt me. Lol JK words hurt like a mother fucker #truth. Anyways, this super cute, little library type cafe is the perfect place to come study or chillax while getting a quick bite to eat. There weren’t many vegan options (k bye), except the clearly labeled vegan tomato soup on the menu (#thanks?), but we managed to adjust some things on the menu to make it work because if I learned anything from Kinky Boots, it was to take what i’ve got and rewrite the plot #FUCKYEA



Not surprisingly, when i asked what was vegan, the waiter pretended to know what that meant (ain’t nobody got time for that) and pointed to virtually the only thing that sounded vegan which was the veggie wrap…. which had mayo in it #nicetry. Olie got the garden salad and I got the veggie wrap without the mayo, which included tomatoes, avocado, lettuce, and balsamic glaze. When i got it, it had mozzarella cheese in it WHICH WAS NOT INCLUDED IN THE WRAP ON THE MENU #byebyebyebyebye so i just took it out and ate the rest of the wrap which was surprisingly DELICIOUS. Like actually so simple but so amazing. And the side salad it came with was so yummy too. 


HOWEVER. THIS PLACE GOT A B RATING AND WE DIDN’T NOTICE TILL AFTER WE ATE SO OH SHIT MAN. Also Olie said her avocado was chewy, which combined with the fact that this place got a B rating, made her nauseas. So folk, I have no idea what to tell you about this place. You are on your own on this one. 

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