I do believe in fairies! I do! I do!
But, let’s be real, what’s even better than fairies? SOUP. What’s even better than soup and fairies? THE SOUP FAIRY. Our good family friend, Elina, started her own organic, natural, vegan, nut/soy/gluten/dairy free soup line and it UHMAZIN. You must order some pronto. All the flavors are delicious and have the cutest names http://www.soupelina.com
Also, if you think you’re all caught up on the LA trends, think again mofos. Ya know how juice cleanses were the shit? Well, now it’s soup cleanses. So, uh, there ya go. Now you’re up to date! And Elina was on that bandwagon before allayal wannabes. She knows what’s up! Thank you to our awesome friend Madeline (Elina’s daughter) who brought us these today! She came to preform on USC’s television network. EVERYBODY GO DOWNLOAD HER SONGS NOW! She’s gonna be the next big thing. Seriously. Not kidding. Watch out world, Madeline is coming your way. Download her new single “The Mad Ones” because it relates to us all crazy ambitious people
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