L’Artisane Creative Bakery Review – Miami, FL

I’m sure some of you are confused about why/how we’re doing a food review for a bakery in Miami in the middle of a pandemic when we live in LA. Well, long story short, my sister and I went to Miami last summer and really wanted to go to this vegan bakery called L’Artisane. However, it was closed for renovations during the entire time when we were in Miami. I cried about it for three days straight, but, it’s like, whatever. 

So flash-forward to 2020 and the pandemic strikes. No bueno. But, ladies and gents and everything in between, there is a silver lining. L’Artisane Bakery, which opened up shortly after we left Miami, decided to DELIVER THEIR CROISSANTS nationwide to stay afloat during the pandemic. I literally cried happy tears for three days straight. 

Shortly after, I ran online and ordered a variety box of 5 croissants: the plain, the chocolate, the hazelnut, the guava/cheese, and the coconut caramel cruffin. Not going to lie, they were a bit pricey (esp. with delivery from Miami), but I had been dreaming about this bakery from the moment I landed a foot in Miami last year. This was my only time to ever try them (as I assumed the delivery would stop once the shop opened up again) so I jumped at my only chance. 

They arrived in the cutest box and were each individually wrapped in plastic with heating instructions, which just consisted of putting them in the oven for a few minutes. 



The day they arrived, my sister came over and we CHOWED down. In fact, we ate all the croissants in one sitting. My review: the hazelnut croissant SHOULD BE ILLEGAL IT’S SO GOOD!!!!!! Literally I’m crying thinking about how delicious it was. The croissant itself was flakey and soft, but the inside was literally oozing with vegan Nutella. 


The chocolate one was great, but paled in comparison to the hazelnut one #sorrynotsorry. The original was great as well. I thought it was a bit boring, but my sister really enjoyed it and I feel like it would be a great base to put jam or something on it. The guava and cheese one was *heart eyes.* As a Puerto Rican, I grew up eating guava pastries and never thought I’d have one again. So, eating this guava croissant was nostalgia and deliciousness at its finest.

The only one I don’t recommend is the cruffin. I wasn’t a huge fan of it. It was kind of thick and not as flakey as the croissants. Plus, the cream in the middle wasn’t my favorite.

My sister and I loved the croissants so much, she ordered another box and it’s coming in a few days. I also convinced a few of my friends to order their own. Should we start a croissant club? Like a book club but instead of reading, we just eat croissants and vent? Message me if you want in.  


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