Vegan Fondue Recipe

So, what do you do when you’re at a friends house late at night and it’s a holiday so you have an excuse to eat whateva the fux you want? 

You take an impromptu trip to Whole Foods and buy a shit ton of snacks and chocolate chips to make vegan fondue!! (* Also side note, the hottest guy bags the groceries at this WF so if delicious food isn’t enough incentive to go to Whole Foods, this sexy dude sure is)

We bought: 

  1. Enjoy Life chocolate chips (Seriously, if you want to enjoy your life, get them.) 
  2. Vegan oreos (Newman-O’s)
  3. Vegan marshmellows
  4. Bananas
  5. Strawberries  
  6. Apples

Then we came back and melted the chocolate chips and dipped all our yummy treats into the chocolate. (Side note: Burned my finger trying to lick left over chocolate in the fondue bowl…not my proudest moment)

Anyway, if you want to get creative (/fat) on a sleepover, try makin some fondue! It was so yummy and fun and ugh that sexy guy at Whole Foods…


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