**** Disclaimer, the recipe for these tacos is not mine. I found them on createmindfully.com !! I’m just posting this to show you if our tacos were a success. If you want actual recipes from actual chefs, please go check out that website lol. I didn’t plagiarize!!! I swear Principal Wynman! (I’m literally laughing to myself rn because I can’t remember my high school principal’s name for the life of me.)
Anyway, my mans, Josh, and I decided to make lunch for fun and picked this recipe to adapt with what we had in our kitchen: https://createmindfully.com/cornmeal-baked-avocado-tacos/
Even though we either had most of our ingredients at home or bought from Trader Joes, the avocados in the tacos (the main star of the dish #lesbihonest) were bought from a farmer’s market that morning. In addition, so was the cilantro (which was the main star of the cilantro-cashew cream sauce.)
I know it seems like such a hassle to buy fresh produce and herbs from a Farmer’s Market, but I promise you, it makes all the difference. Both the cilantro and avocado were so fucking fresh and delicious and really made the dish next level.
Ok so here are my tips if you decide to make these tacos with the same recipe:
- Double the cornmeal dry mixture because we ran out of it real fast and our baked avocado fritters were MUCH less crispy than the photos on the original showed.
- If you’re short on time, buy a corn-salsa-bean mixture (we got ours at TJs). It may not be as fresh as homemade, but it’ll save a bit of time and cleaning in the kitchen! Plus, you can keep the leftovers in your fridge and use it as a dip for your chips! Unless you have no chips… then you can just spoon it into your mouth as you listen to Adele music and cry.
- Maybe add a bit of salsa on top if the cashew cream isn’t enough sauce.
All in all, they were pretty good! I definitely think ours could have turned out better, but you know what? We tried and we should be expecting our participation awards in the mail sometime soon!
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