What’s better than cheese? Bread. What’s better than bread? CHEESE BREAD!
Honestly, whoever thought of putting the most delicious and fattening food groups together into one is literally God sent. I think I owe him/her my first-born child or my life #yourchoice.
Anyway, my new friend Jenny and I decided to attempt making gluten free cheese bread as a lazy Sunday morning snack .
Here is the actual recipe (by Chocolate Covered Katie): http://chocolatecoveredkatie.com/2015/05/20/flourless-cheese-bread/
It’s super simple and quick to make. For some reason, our’s came out lookin kinda weird colored, like mustard yellow instead of bright chedder-yellow but it might have been because we used pepper jack cheese instead of bright yellow chedder but you know what? I don’t judge cheese bread by it’s color, ok?? #coexist
Anyway, my review: Tasty and light, perfect snack for people who like bread, like cheese, and especially like them together! #word
Also my roomates were obsessed and ate all of it in like one sitting.
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