So folks, welcome to the new segment of my life called “I need to learn how to cook because I’m going to be 20 in a year and I don’t know my left from my right.”
I thought we’d ease into it on our sleepover with Sara by making a simple avacodo toast and acai smoothie. Don’t laugh. IT’S A START, OKAY!!
Anyway, for the naive little youngsters out there in the ether who don’t know how to make avocado toast…
You need:
. bread (We used ezekiel because it’s heathly and I’m healthy #lol #lies #itry)
. Avocado (duh)
. Lemon juice
. Salt, pepper, and some olive oil
So you toast the bread, (duh), then you mash avocado into a bowl and mix with seasoning, oil, and lemon juice and spread evenly and then…YAY. You are officially a master chef.
As for the acai smoothie…
You need:
. Acai powder
. Almond milk
. Berries
. Ice
. Some type of blender (We used magic bullet because we cool)
So yeah, here is a great combo for breakfast if you have no cooking skills like moi but you love a good, yummy breakfast! Bon apetit!
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