Legit some girl on instagram posted about how she went here and got the vegan hot dog so I decided to go...
April 17, 2016 BY That Vegan Life Doe - 6 COMMENTS
Legit some girl on instagram posted about how she went here and got the vegan hot dog so I decided to go...
April 16, 2016 BY That Vegan Life Doe - 0 COMMENTS
Guess what? Second time’s the charm folk! We went to our second vegan meet up today with our friends Maxine and Amanda and it was so fun!!!
Nina and Randa Nelson...
April 16, 2016 BY That Vegan Life Doe - 26 COMMENTS
HAYYYY GUYS! Guess what? The Butcher has a daughter and ironically she just opened up an all vegetarian restaurant in Venica, CA on Abbot Kinney St!
Now, settle down...
April 13, 2016 BY That Vegan Life Doe - 0 COMMENTS
HEY GUYS. So my life is really random and sometimes really boring so I randomly decided to make cocoa date balls when I was bored today because I was seriously craving them. So I made them!...
April 10, 2016 BY That Vegan Life Doe - 12 COMMENTS
What’s the perfect treat to bake on a rainy Cali day? RAINBOW BAGELS. (Or as my grandma calls them “Bagels with makeup” #LOVEHER)
My vegan friend...
This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most people start with an About page that introduces them to potential site visitors. It might say something like this:
Hi there! I’m a bike messenger by day, aspiring actor by night, and this is my blog. I live in Los Angeles, have a great dog named Jack, and I like piña coladas. (And gettin’ caught in the rain.)
…or something like this:
The XYZ Doohickey Company was founded in 1971, and has been providing quality doohickeys to the public ever since. Located in Gotham City, XYZ employs over 2,000 people and does all kinds of awesome things for the Gotham community.
As a new WordPress user, you should go to your dashboard to delete this page and create new pages for your content. Have fun!