Vegan Pink Panda Candy Review

As the queen of candy, I am shocked, appalled, flabergasted, shooketh to my core that I had never heard of the candy brand Pink Panda until. And to be honest, I can’t even take credit...

Vegan Options at Bon Bon (A Swedish Candy Co.)

If you know me, then you know I’m obsessed with candy. If you don’t know me, well, nice to meet you. I’m Olivia, a very small but feisty young woman. Ok, that’s beside...

Vegan at Tsubaki – Los Angeles, CA

Move over, Nobu. Seriously, move over. This Japanese restaurant in Echo Park has taken over your throne. Meet: Tsubaki. Tucked away in Echo Park, Tsubaki is like a dark horse. It’s...

Vegan at Cafe Landwer – Los Angeles, CA

GUYS. Rarely, do vegan options, at a non-vegan restaurant, excite my sister and I. Usually it’s 1) a vegan burger 2) vegetable sides 3) avocado toast. Which, to be fair, we are always...

Vegan at Destroyer – Culver City, LA

How many times have you gone to a new restaurant and been mindblown? How often have you literally given a restaurant a 10/10 review? Well, this just happened to my sister and me today when we...

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