Jugo! For those of you who don’t know what “jugo” means, “jugo” is the Spanish word for juice. I know this because I am cultured and educated… jk I grew up in a household of Puerto Ricans who wouldn’t get me juice unless I asked for it in Spanish LOL. But anyway, the more you know!…
Vegan at Mother’s Cafe- Austin, TX
MOTHER! JK, that movie sucked, but Mother’s Cafe totally didn’t! (See what I did there?? #hehehe) Anyway, Mother’s Cafe is actually one of my fave vegan restaurants in Austin because not only is the food mostly vegan, but it also serves vegan versions of tradition Texas food so you pretty much can’t get this type…
Vegan at Bouldin Creek Cafe in Austin, Texas
I know I’ve stated this before but I’ll state it again for clarity: I LOVE AUSTIN TEXAS!!!!!! It’s so fun and quirky and chill and lax and literally vegan heaven. Now that I’ve confessed my love for the city, I’m going to proceed to confess my love for this restaurant in Aistin called Bouldin Creek…
Vegan at the Driskill Hotel in Austin, TX
Sweet Ritual – Austin, Texas
Unicorn poop. That’s it. No comment. JUST KIDDING. I have to comment because this is a blog and that’s the POINT. Anyway, for all you ice cream lovers out there, vegan or not, Sweet Ritual is an INCREDIBLE all vegan (and poss gluten free?) ice cream shop in Austin. All the flavors are so unique and yummy. The best by far…