So folks, as I was parusing through a spa magazine by the fire place (casually of course) I happen to lay my eyes upon the most magnificent sight! A whole article talking about why the vegan diet rules and other diets suck! Ok, maybe it wasn’t so harsh about the meat eaters out there wandering around…
I was scrolling through a magazine when i came upon this article. It was about Sam Simon, one of the creators of the Simpsons. It was all about how he has cancer (keep him in your prayers! Or for you non religious folks out there, keep him in your thoughts!). Anyways, he is a vegan! In the article is says…
THATVEGANLIFEDOE gets an instagram!
Hey fans!! (jk blogging to a wall). New Fork City, one of the best food instas EVER that has a ton of followers, posted one of our photos! And because of that, we got a ton of insta followers and are 70 away from having 500 followers on insta! YAY!!! Thanks NewForkCity!! You da bomb
Great Vegan Youtube Channel
So while everybody else who’s normal is hanging out with their multiple friends having a good time, i’m watching vegan cooking videos alone while my stomach rumbles because my frozen vegan dinner wouldn’t unfreeze even though i put it back in the microwave three times! #StoryOfMyLife Anyways, check out this really fun youtube channel called The Vegan…