Xicamix Review + The Importance of Prebiotics for Gut Health

HEY, ERRRRRYBODY! It’s been a while since we’ve posted something in our “health” category on this blog, but I think this post is definitely one that you’ll want to read if you’re a health nut! 

So, my twinny and I were fortunate enough to attend a health & wellness event today, which featured vegan snacks/chocolates, facials using vegan products, and Xicamix! At this event, we learned a lot about gut health. 

I know you all are like “Xicamix? Da fuk is dat?” Well, sweethearts, I’ll tell you. Xicamix is a vegan company that uses jicama juice to make prebiotic shots and jicama pulp to make prebiotic flour. Now you’re all probably like, “Prebiotics? Well, what da fuk is that?” Well, sweethearts, basically prebiotics are a special form of fiber that acts as a fertilizer for the good bacteria in your gut (aka, the probiotics!) See, it all ties together. Without prebiotics, you can’t really do shit with probiotics. #facts


In case you guys are curious, you can get loads of prebiotics from foods such as jicama, raw onions, raw leeks, dandelion greens, and a few others. It might seem like a huge effort to go search for a field of dandelion flowers and nibble on the greens like a rabbit, but your gut with definitely thank you. Well, actually, maybe just save your time and buy some Xicamix. 

As for the taste of Xicamix, my sister and enjoyed it with a bit of sparkling soda and tequila to make a jicama cocktail! It was actually really good and refreshing. I totally recommend throwing it in some sparkling soda and having a lil gut healthy drink every now and then! Also, they used the Xicamix jicama flour (not on the market yet) to make banana bread and OHMIGOSH it was the best banana bread ever. Soooooooo moist and delicious. Someone get me the recipe asap. Yes, Xicamix, I’m looking at you. Gimme dat prebiotic flour and gimme dat nana bread. 


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