Sarah Lemkus


What inspired you to go vegan?

 SL: I have PCOS (poly cystic ovarian syndrome) and was suffering big time from its symptoms (no monthly menstrual cycle, cravings, acne, weight gain etc). I did some research into what the best diet and foods were for my condition and I found the vegan diet was the answer. At the same time I found some beautiful vegan Instagramers and YouTubers who were also healthy, happy and lean and that encouraged me even more so to become a vegan.

What are some of your favorite vegan restaurants?
SL: Best healthy vegan places to eat where I am from in Auckland, New Zealand are: Little Bird Organics, Sip Kitchen (not vegan but have amazing vegan options) and anywhere that have fresh salads, smoothies, and avocado sushi!
What are your favorite vegan dishes to make?
SL: Mexican beans on rice, refried black beans, kumara fries (sweet potato) and oil free fried rice.
 What are common misconceptions about being vegan?
SL: Most often I come across people who think a vegan diet lacks nutrients like iron and calcium. I suffered from both iron and calcium deficiencies before I went vegan and now I don’t. It completely depends on the foods you eat. If you’re a junk food vegan you may lack certain nutrients, but if your  mindful of health and the nutritional side of a vegan diet you will own it. 👊
What do you find is the worst part about being vegan?
SL: People’s opinions. I try not let it get to me at the end of the day. I gently encourage people and try to bring an awareness about how good it is to eat plants. But I wouldn’t go around telling people to their face or even on social media that they shouldn’t be eating the way the are, so why do it to me?
 What is the best part about being vegan?
SL: Knowing you are participating in something bigger than yourself. It’s all encompassing, the way you eat, perceive, think and feel is all different. Compassion starts with the small things. If we can’t be compassionate towards the earth, all animals (not just the select few like cats and dogs) then how are we meant to be compassionate towards our neighbour or the homeless on the street. Compassion  isn’t something I was taught growing up.  But now I see it as a fundamental part of living, that and love.
What advice to you have for people who want to become vegan?
SL: Going vegan is a journey. The only thing that holds people back are food addictions, lack of education, routine etc. If you can concur those small hurdles and reach the other side (just like climbing a mountain) you won’t believe how you wish you did it sooner. The view from the top is awesome, I promise! So read some  books, watch some vegan movies, find people who inspire you and start your climb! And don’t be too hard on yourself if you fail along the way.
How has your life changed since you’ve become vegan?
SL: Firstly I don’t suffer from any health issues that hold me back anymore and secondly; Like I said above, my whole worldview has changed. It’s not just what’s on my plate. What goes into our bodies and nourishes us is important, but it’s goes beyond that which I love. And now I get to raise my daughter and future children with this outlook and that’s so exciting.
What are the top 3 reasons to go vegan?
SL: Fix all health issues, become a better person, and be a part of a community that actively wants to help save humanity, the planet and animals.

What are your favorite vegan blogs/instagram/youtube channels?

SL: Ellen Fisher, EarthyAndy, ItsAllWaysBeautiful, Plantbasedmumma, _amanda_bradshaw, Bonny Rebecca, Raw Alignment.

Do you have a blog, instagram, or youtube channel?

SL: Yes, you can find me on all of the above. My YouTube and IG are ‘Sarah Lemkus’, and my blog is

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