Miranda Kroyer

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 What inspired you to go vegan?

M: I’m not exactly sure when veganism all started to make sense to me and when I got inspired, but I think I ran into some YouTube videos where people talked about veganism (including Freelee the Banana Girl) and I think thats when I knew that veganism was truly the best thing for my body, the Earth and the animals. What really stood out to me, and made me extremely inspired was the documentary Forks Over Knives.

What are some of your favorite vegan restaurants?
 M: I live near Minneapolis, and my favorite restaurants around the area include: Ecopolitan which is the BEST raw vegan restaurant in the country (seriously amazing), Galactic Pizza (the best vegan pizza I’ve ever had), and probably French Meadow Bakery – they have such a variety of foods & great brunch!
What are your favorite vegan dishes to make?
 M: I love playing around with new recipes, however, I don’t get the opportunity to as much when I’m at my college house. I love making vegan sushi, burrito bowls, and pasta dishes!
 What are common misconceptions about being vegan?
M: This is a funny question, just because there are so many! I get the “but where do you get your protein and calcium?!” all the time. I also try to eat high carb low fat, and I’m around a bunch of college girls who are on all of these low carb diets, and they are convinced carbs make you fat. So untrue!
What do you find is the worst part about being vegan?
M:  The lack of options at restaurants- it is getting a LOT better though!
 What is the best part about being vegan?
M: Eating as much as I want and staying fit, and the amazing energy levels.
What advice to you have for people who want to become vegan?

M: JUST DO IT! If you’re parents don’t support it, buy your own groceries and make your own food! But make sure you research before, so you aren’t just simply eating vegan junk food.

How has your life changed since you’ve become vegan?
M: I feel like I am a more compassionate and aware person. Honestly, it’s one of the best decisions I have ever made.
What are the top 3 reasons to go vegan?
M: I’d say the top 3 for me are pretty general for all vegans- It’s the healthiest way to eat, the best thing for the enviornment, and the animals get to keep their lives.
What are your favorite vegan blogs/instagram/youtube channels?
M: Obviously thatveganlifedoe- DUH! But seriously, I love Bella and Olie! Also, I love Loni Jane, Tess Begg, ElsasWholesomeLife, and Bonny Rebecca.
Do you have a blog, instagram, or youtube channel?

M: Yes I do- my Instagram is @mirandaelizz and my YouTube channel is Miranda Elizabeth (mirandaelizz)

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