Crystal Pang
What inspired you to go vegan?
C: The animals! I saw PETA’s Meet your Meat video when I was twelve years old, and I knew something had to be done. I looked at my dog and felt guilty that I loved her so much, yet ate animals without even thinking about it.
C: Take it slow and do lots of research. My first year being vegan, I ate a lot of french fries and pasta, which wasn’t very sustainable. Do research on what nutrients you need, and don’t feel bad if you accidentally eat something that isn’t vegan, it’s all about intention! Plus, there are a lot of alternative products to replace cheese, meat, etc. They are great for transitioning…eventually you won’t even crave those foods and crave salads (ooo salads…) Oh, and make some friends/follow people on Instagram, it’s always good to have a network to help you with any questions you may have!
C: I have an Instagram @veganeatsnyc
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