Sourse Glow Plant-Based Collagen Bites Review

Who else is obsessed with looking young and not getting old because of the patriarchal expectations placed upon women to look like children well into their adulthood? Ah, the joys of being a female…

But, for real, I know a lot of people (both men and women and non-binary) feel the pressure to age with grace and we all know that one of the best ways to keep your skin tight and glowing is by consuming collagen. BUT we also know that plant-based collagen is hard to come by. Why? Because it’s usually found in, like, animal bones and weird shit. 

However, the company Sourse just released a plant-based collagen supplement in the form of little chocolate MnM’s. They’re officially (and fancily) called “Glow collagen-infused dark chocolate bites” but they’re essentially vegan MnMs.

I bought the bag to try them out after seeing them on Vegan Bodega Cat’s YouTube channel and was not disappointed. They tasted so delicious. It was actually hard to only eat two a day because of how yummy they were. 

Did I see any effects of the collagen? Hard to tell. I only took them for a month (one bag) because they are a tad expensive. Would I buy them again? Maybe, if I had some money to spare. Would I recommend you buy them if the cost isn’t an issue? Absolutely! 

In addition to the collagen bites, they also sell pink b12 bites as well! How fun! They can be found on their website here: 

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